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ABOUT Evelyn Jane

I love the opportunity to talk about my farm and soap making! I don't just make soap. I am a continual student  of plants, herbs and essential oils. Natural living and health is my daily way of life. 

How This All Began

Most Asked Questions: 

Calamity Jane and baby goat

About Calamity Jane's Farm

How it all began: 
"Necessity is the mother of creativity" - Plato 
I may have been born with a passion for natural health and self sufficiency and in 2011, the youngest two homeschoolers were independent enough for me to explore soap making!
About the same time, my youngest son started dealing with acne that was painful and aggressive; helping me pull the trigger on my soap making curiosity! 
I only found ONE soap tutorial online at the time and it was in a crockpot and called for CRISCO!! What I did gain from that tutorial was how to make soap; the stages and many tips! 
There wasn't much online in 2011 like there is now. I kept going to bookstores and the library searching for all the information I could about what ingredients to use for soap and how to formulate a recipe. 
After many 'just ok' attempts, I created the Activated Charcoal soap recipe!  
My son's skin responded positively and quickly!

Suddenly everyone needed the soap and our business was started! With a background of herbs and essential oils, it's been a great transition into soap making! 

The soap is still a top seller because it works and balances the skin. It also is a great detoxing soap for feet and armpits! 


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