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I used to prefer Dr Squatch soap, USED TO. The first time I tried Calamity Jane's 'Striker' I was thoroughly impressed with the fragrance and then the lather. I've never had a soap lather up so smooth and creamy. I equate it to that point where your ice cream melts just perfect and you can't eat it fast enough. Yeah, Dr. Squatch may be better then the other commercial soaps, but it was still drying my skin. I don't have that issue anymore since I made the switch to Calamity Jane's. I plan to buy my soap in "bulk" orders so I don't have to worry about running out. I also still can't pick any one scent because they're all amazing.  Facebook Review 

Tyler, Louisiana

Sandy, Texas 

My 9 year old granddaughter loves Tutti Fruity and I like keeping extra soap on hand to give as gifts. 

Rita, Texas 

I love all your soaps! 

Jessica, Texas 

So pretty! And the best soaps ever! 

"The box filled with beautiful soaps was such a treat! The scents are amazing and we love the rich lather. We can't wait to order more! 

We love Vintage Christmas and the Cactus Flower sample! 


We love our soaps!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! "

Matthews Family, Austin

PBP, Arizona 

Stuff is awesome, I've used other home mades and felt like I had extra skin... every one of the soaps I've gotten from you have been extremely refreshing...job well done! 

Debbie, Texas 

Your bundles are the best! 

Kristi, Texas

Secret Garden...SO rich & creamy lather and my skin feels amazing! 

I don't know who needs to hear this but...
I buy a lot of soap at different markets from different makers ... This is hands down THE BEST soap I've ever bought. 
I don't know what her magic ingredient is, but Calamity Jane has something the other soap makers don't have.  Facebook Review


Joel, Austin, Tx 

I use my bar regularly for washing my face and it's pretty much the best! I have a roster of nice products from Glow Recipe, Kiehls, and Orgin, and this stands with all of them! Incredible soap and amazing on the skin! 

Julie, Brownwood, Tx 

I absolutely love your Patchouli & Lavender soap! The fragrance is lovely and the soap leaves my too sensitive skin moisturized Winter and Summer. 

And the Healing Balm is now part of my 'cant live without' daily routine. I love it for burns and cuts; however, the best use for me is for patches of eczema. It softens and reduces the redness in them. I love it!! Thank you for creating wonderful products! 

Krisit, Eastland, Tx 

Found a new fav!! Secret Garden!!  It's SO rich & creamy lathery and my skin feels AMAZING! 


I'm so happy with my Baby Healing Balm!  Our daughter has the cutest rools, but she sometimes get little heat rashes where the airflow is limited. My mother in law told me about this Baby Healing Balm. I put some on herthat night before bed. The next day her skin was clear and dry. Plus it smells wonderful. So happy with this product - thank you Calamity Jane!

Robin, Mason, Texas

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